Equity Research


Financial & Valuation Modeling
Our team is adept with complex forecasting modeling, in-depth valuations (Discounted cash flow, sum-of-the-parts, and relative valuation), sensitivity analyses, and equity database and analytics. The financial models and valuations give deeper research insights to our clients and help make well-informed investment decisions.
Idea generation
We help widen the idea generation funnel by identifying new investible stock ideas across sectors and regions and across various investment approaches, including top-bottom, bottom-up, event-driven, special situations, and various upcoming thematics. Our industry-specific quantitative and qualitative screening parameters help identify mispriced equity assets.
Initiation Of Research Notes/Tearsheets
The minimum viable ideas are evaluated using 1-2-pager tearsheets, followed by detailed initiating coverage notes or reports for the investible ideas. These notes or reports details analyses including investment summary, key investment arguments, SWOT analysis, industry analysis, business, operating and financial performance, valuation, and financial tables/exhibits.
Research Coverage Maintenance
The models and notes/reports of coverage companies are updated for earnings releases, corporate actions, and material news/events. This unlocks client analysts’ bandwidth for more impactful initiatives, spot trending ideas early on, and 24/5 access to the updated universe of stocks.

News & Impact Analysis
Through our insightful newsletters and market wraps, we help keep a close tab on the markets, economies, sectors, companies, regulations, and upcoming trends/themes. The frequency of the news service ranges from daily morning meeting news product to weekly or monthly newsletter or market update.
News & Impact Analysis
Through our insightful newsletters and market wraps, we help keep a close tab on the markets, economies, sectors, companies, regulations, and upcoming trends/themes. The frequency of the news service ranges from daily morning meeting news product to weekly or monthly newsletter or market update.
Success Stories

Sell-side Equity Trading Desk Research Support
The equity-trading desk of a large brokerage firm based in the US. They had experienced traders previously worked with bulge-bracket banks.
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Valuation modeling support for a US-based brokerage firm
A US-based mid-sizes brokerage & trading firm was seeking a valuation modeling support for its research coverage to align their bandwidth to focus on new idea generation and commission generation.
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Equity research coverage initiation and maintenance service to Mumbai-based brokerage and wealth management firm.
A Mumbai-based reputed brokerage and wealth management firm was seeking an outsourced research solution for initiation and maintenance of their research coverage across technology, pharma, auto, cement, capital goods, and BFSI.
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Buy-side Equity Research Support to a US-based asset manager
A US-based asset manager with 20+ years of experience in the global capital markets reached out to ValueAdd for equity research and valuation model support.
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